Solving problems in food security and nutrition evidence
The problem
There is a staggering amount of evidence on food security and nutrition in low- and middle-income countries.
Often, food security and nutrition evidence is misaligned with stakeholder priorities, difficult to comprehend, or not user-friendly.
A solution
Evidence brokers are intermediaries or translators between decision-makers and researchers.
They produce or synthesize existing evidence aligned with stakeholder priorities in a comprehensible and user-friendly manner.
I believe in using the most rigorous possible methods to answer decision-relevant questions through a collaborative approach to research.
Consulting services to help clients achieve this vision, including:
portfolio reviews, strategy analysis, impact evaluations, evidence synthesis and translation, theory of change and logical frameworks, and data analysis.
Most rigorous: The most rigorous approach is the one that provides the answer with the least amount of uncertainty and most precision. Often, it requires advanced research techniques, which need to be translated into clear findings and conclusions.
Possible: The most rigorous approach is not the best approach if it is not feasible. Some information, even imperfect, is better than none. I believe in practicality with an appreciation of limitations. I function within the real-world data constraints of my clients, and make sure to clearly communicate what can and cannot be concluded from each piece of research.
Decision-relevant questions: In this context, these are evidence-oriented questions clients need answered to make programming decisions. Not all questions need to be answered, so I work with clients to identify the information they need.
Collaborative approach: Determining the most rigorous possible approach to answering decision-relevant questions requires collaboration. An external person can identify information needed to answer a question, but they cannot know the right question or practical limitations without input.
Outreach and communication
Research dissemination does not need to be limited to research and policy circles. We are all part of a global community, either through our heritage, our travels, or simply the food we eat. Learning about nutrition challenges and solutions can inform healthier dietary choices, foster empathy, build support for policies and initiatives that address global nutrition challenges, and inspire action towards a more equitable and healthier world by the general public. For researchers, engaging with the public can enhance the relevance and impact of research work, opening new avenues for collaboration, funding, and the application of research findings in real-world settings. FSE's explainer videos and the webinars we participate in are tools for effectively communicating research, and why it matters, to stakeholders outside the traditional research ecosystem.
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